Disclaimer: This post was created in partnership with Appyness and Oros. I received compensation for my review.
For example, y'all know I'm a foodie. I'm also a somewhat broke Millennial. This means that when I'm in a new place, or perhaps searching for a new cuisine, I want to ensure I'm not wasting my funds. But certain review sites' sketchy practices coupled with the fact people don't go out of their way to review unless service was excellent or terrible... there's lots of room for error.
Thats why I love Oros! I can post a question like "where is the best pizza in Los Angeles?" "Is Franklin BBQ worth the line?" "Which airport is going to be the least busy during the holidays?" and get REAL responses from REAL people in REAL time.
And, as a person with a passion for food, I also like to share my educated foodie opinions with anyone who is looking for the best spots in town. It feels good to help someone have a great night out!
Oros is available for both iOS and Android. Take it for a spin, Austin!

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